Ethiopians in Washington DC to Hold Protest Rally -

2022-07-30 07:02:01 By : Ms. Maggie King

Addis Ababa, December 7, 2021 (Walta) – A protest by Ethiopians and Friends of Ethiopia to take place in Washington DC on Friday, 10th December 2021.

It was learned that the protest is against the Biden regime’s unjust pressure on Ethiopia.

A member of the Peace and Unity for Ethiopian Association Washington Task Force, Kebadu Belachew that the demonstration will take place at 9 AM.

According to Kebadu, the rally will be started at the State Department and the destination will be at the US Capitol Hill; he also urged senators and members of Congress living in the United States to attend the rally.

A letter will be issued to the US State Department urging the United States to end its undue pressure on Ethiopia, it was learned.

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